Spring is the optimum time to sell a home. Regardless of whether it's a buyer's market or a seller's market, activity almost always rises in the spring. Why? Because the largest number of buyers are actively searching for a new home during April, May, and June.

Cleaning is the first step to preparing your home for sale.

Wash Windows Inside and Out/Polish All Mirrors? We're not talking about a quick once-over. Serious attention to detail is necessary here.Sparkle is free, and sparkle sells homes. A potential buyer may not realize why your home seems so inviting but will feel drawn to it if the windows are spotless and your mirrors reflect sunlight. 


Your buyers don't want to see the lovely life you've made for yourself in your beautiful home. They want to imagine the lovely life they could make for themselves in their beautiful potential new home. Don't allow anything to clutter that vision.

Speaking of clutter

Get rid of it. If you've accumulated a lot of bits and pieces over the years, now's the time to either a) throw them out, b) give them to charity or c) find proper, neat places for them in a cupboard. Do whatever you need to so that your buyers never have to lock eyes on it. Pay specific attention to:

  • Books, CDs and DVDs
  • Ornaments and knick-knacks
  • Kitchen tools and appliances that currently live on the counters
  • Posters on your children's bedroom walls

Repair, restore, revamp

Try to look at your home from the perspective of your buyer, and think about the details that would impress or dismay you if you were in their position. Then take care of those details immediately.

  • Replace broken light bulbs
  • Fix leaky taps
  • Fix doors and drawers that don't open or close properly
  • Repair cracks in the walls
  • Touch up paint and repaint altogether where necessary (in a neutral colour)
  • Hang up fresh towels in the bathroom
  • Get rid of that busy wallpaper that you loved five years ago. Remove it and then paint the walls - don't simply paint over it, as it will be obvious to your buyer and make the wallpaper difficult to remove
  • Eradicate odours. Open the windows and air out your house. Simply masking bad smells with a perfumed air freshener won't do the trick
  • Replace cushion covers, bedspreads and curtains that are worn or have garish colours and patterns

Last but not least....make yourself scarce

No offence, but prospective buyers don't really want you hovering over them while they're trying to nose around. It's a bit off-putting. If they feel awkward, they're much less likely to linger in your home and get the full impact of how great it is and how they'd very much like to buy it. We are there to offer assistance and to answer any of their questions. They will tell us what they think of your home, but they may not neccessarily tell you as they might not want to offend or cause upset.